Saturday, November 22, 2008

It's a Wrap!

Whew! What a started out with needed help opening a blog,
easy beginning for couple days, slammed into Flickr,
(stranded till I got help from home) moved along a piece,
started enjoying all the new ideas until stuck at YouTube,
would never have escaped without help from a finished 23'er.
I felt good accomplishing things (23) but know I could easily
redo the entire course and find more things not touched upon.

All in all, good introduction for those who're getting aquainted with new tech,
but more structure and help would have benefited me....
perhaps some traveling techies to come out to branches,
designated gurus on call, small groups on thorny difficult assignments
there is such a huge gap in our ability and experience levels!

Monday, November 17, 2008

and yet another NPR update

Hey, while stuck in Livingston construction traffic,
I heard the Monday version of "All Tech Considered"
on the All Things Considered broadcast.

It helped defuse my frustration, but I sure do wish
that Livingston project is coming to an end soon.

Friday, November 14, 2008


And, it's free!


Once you get past the acronym, (which conjures up grease and sludge)
you enter a wonderful new outlet for book lovers.

A tutorial, which is easy to follow and understand, greets you.

The idea of having access to audio books any time is great,
and even better is never having to think about overdue
fines, since the books are automatically erased when due.

A great addition for our readers, and easy to access.

Wednesday, November 12, 2008

another plug for NPR

listening to NPR again, & discovered a
the 1st tuesday of every month
anchored by The Computer Guys...

Saturday, November 8, 2008



I've been feeling quite behind the times here,

But I heard the "Science Friday" guy, Ira, at NPR talking about
tweets and encouraging the listeners to join them.

I was delighted to realize I knew what it was!
Hope that I'll be able to keep listening and finding more
new stuff in the future.

You Tube may be the last straw!

It took me a long time to get this to come out,
I didn't know I had to use Edit Html.....

Such a small step, but important

This is a great moment
in panda-hood!

Wednesday, November 5, 2008


Exploring the toolbox of great web 2.0 tools
made me feel like I'd just found a treasure
trove of good items. This exploration has
made the "things" come to life today.

Google local

Well there are certainly LOTS of sites encompassing various interests out there.

I chose Google Local because it was something that I'm familiar with. I
toured the life of Obama in a few minutes. I was very impressed that it
was absolutely up to date already. I'm sure our customers would enjoy
finding so much so quickly.

Online applications

Hey, looks interesting and
hopefully, easy enough to use.
The idea of going to a website
instead of email should be good
if the site is accessible.

Monday, November 3, 2008


the wiki and I survived another "thing"
I'm relieved and the wiki is eager to move on

Saturday, October 25, 2008

Wiki .... what a great wacky device!

It's something I've already seen, and
that's a big boost for me, since I've
been feeling lost in space for weeks
on the learn and play........

There is hope!


Moving into 2.0 seems like learning a new language.
Where's my dictionary?

Some of the articles are intriguing and challenging
Others seem like warmed overs.

I particularly like the term Information Silo
It resonates with me and reminds me what is old is new again.


With a title like Delicious it should be delightful.

But, what is it?

A way to keep your favorite web pages organized.

Still pondering how the words I know become
technical terms that cause me confusion.

Wednesday, October 8, 2008



Twitter might be amusing

Library Thing

not much to say....

generators online and images

I thought generators were machine backups for stormy weather, now another application.....
trying out colors and words to make people notice. with colorful options gave me tools to make a logo/banner for another great idea....The Crop Walk.

Tuesday, October 7, 2008

week 4 continued

Found a few library blogs that have potential....
starting with, after the debate!
also, Syndict8, (from another blog!)

Monday, October 6, 2008

Bloglines newsreader

OK, I am now officially a blogline member.

Who knew how many different topics could
be accessed in one place?


What would Edison think of computers and bloggers,
copy and pasters?

What would Bell think of cell phones, ipods, blackberries?

What will the future hold for new inventions and inventors?

Flickering and Mashing up

Hmmm, Found an old picture on my computer and made it into a card using Trading Card Maker.

I tried to make this ad --> into a card but it wouldn't format for me.


This picture presages the coming of winter, cold, dark, lifeless.
The sun shining through the meadow cannot overcome the chill.

See picture here

Monday, September 22, 2008

Drinkin' Monkey

D.Monkey is looking for a treasure at the bottom on his mug!

Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Welcome to AJ does say

This is my first blog, and I'm feeling like a baby beginning to crawl.

Hope we'll be moving along as fast as babies crawl, toddle and walk.